
Junior Secondary


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Transition from Primary School to High School

At Forest Lake State High School we aim to make the transition from primary school to high school as smooth as possible.  The Year 7 classrooms are set up in Pods – 4 classrooms, an open learning area and a staffroom. This self-contained environment breaks down many of the perceived issues associated with enrolment in a large secondary school.  Year 7 students will have a home room in the Pod where they have all their classes, except those requi​ring specialist areas, and can store their books and resources. 

Throughout the year, many transition activities take place with the local primary schools. These give students the opportunity to experience ​school life at Forest Lake State High School and to meet some of the teachers.  Working together with the local primary schools assists students to transition easily into high school. Transition Day occurs at the end of term 4. Students who have enrolled for the following year get to experience a day of high school and can meet other students and teachers they will see in Year 7.​

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Starting High School in Year 7

The Department of Education provides advice for parents for 'preparing you child for high school' – please follow the link to access this information.

​How ​​do I enrol for year 7?

You can collect an enrolment pack from your local primary school or the school office from the beginning of term 2 the year before your child starts year 7.   You will then book into an enrolment session with the main office staff.

​What do I do if my child has additional needs for transition?

The best place to start is with your Primary school support staff.  If they agree that additional transition is required they can contact the school on your behalf regarding additional support.  The earlier the year before enrolment the better!  Your child does not need to be enrolled to begin additional transition.

​What do I do i​f my child has additional needs that the school should be aware of?

When completing the enrolment paperwork, or attending an enrolment session, request an individual enrolment interview.  It is always helpful if you can identify the reason for the request so that we have the right staff member meet with you.

​Can my child​ participate in sport at FLSHS?

Students throughout Junior Secondary participate in Health and Physical Education as a subject on their timetable.

Additional to this, the school is part of the Yagera Sports Competition.  We compete against high schools in our local areas in sports such as Basketball, Netball, Touch, Volleyball, Rugby League, Soccer and Futsal.  For representative sports Forest Lake SHS is part of the Southern Scorpions District which feeds in the Met West Region.  We also compete in our school athletics, swimming and cross-country events that can lead to District, State and National representation.

 Preparing your Child for High School​

​​Extra-curricular Challenges

In Junior Secondary, there are opportunities throughout the year for students to participate in a variety of competitions including poetry writing, public speaking, mathematics and geography.

If you require any further details, please contact: Joanne Francis, Year 7 Deputy Principal on 3714 2333 or

Last reviewed 24 February 2025
Last updated 24 February 2025