Accessing lesson content on TRS laptops
Signing into the laptop:
Sign into this device using your username and password. If you are based in any region other than MTN, you will have to specify your region (e.g. GBN\username). If you need a password reset, please call Service Centre on 1800 680 445.
This will allow you internet access once the credentials are re-enteredal into the proxy prompt.
Accessing SharePoint:
If you haven't yet been granted access to SharePoint, please request access using the form at . Once granted the access you will receive a confirmation email then, use the following URL: Click on the Teacher Code of the absent staff you are replacing and find the relevant period. There may be attachments (i.e. PowerPoints) for you to use.
Student SharePoint
Students can access their Student Notices and various Whitepapers (how to do stuff) and also access links to various student software programs through the follow link:
Student SharePoint
IT Support
The IT technicians can offer you limited support in the library between the following hours:
7:45-8:25am, 11:00am-11:30am, 12:50pm-1:20pm and 2:30pm to 2:45pm.