


​​​​​​2025 Pathways

All students enrolled at Forest Lake State High School are to build and engage in a program of learning that will allow them to achieve their strongest QCE/QCIA possible in Year 12​, to demonstrate their full potential.

Path​ways Night - 30 July 2024

To prepare students for their subject selections in 2025, Forest Lake SHS hosts an annual Subject Expo and Pathways Night where senior teaching staff and external organisations provide advice and guidance on the subjects students require to succeed in their chosen career.​

All students and their families are encouraged to attend this event to speak with our staff and the experts.  Hosted by our Deputy Principals, the year level Information Sessions are also an essential part of this process and all families are encouraged to attend.

2025 Curriculum Handbooks

The 2025 Curriculum Handbooks for current Year 9 and 10s have been issued to each student, however digital copies can be found here​.

The 2025 Curriculum Handbooks for Years 7 and 8 will be available at our Pathways Night for collection. 

Pathways Night.png                ​Pathways Info Session (4).png 

Subject Selection​​ for 2025

Forest Lake SHS provides a comprehensive pathways development program with their Junior to Senior (J2S) Plan for Year 9 students moving into Year 10 and the Senior Education and Training Plan (SETP) for Year 10 students moving into Years 11 and 12. ​

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Senior Educaiton & Traning Plan (SETP)- Year 10 into Year 11 & 12

On 7 and 8 August, all Year 10s, together with their parent/carer, will complete their Senior Education and Training Plan (SETP) in a face to face interview with one of our experienced senior teachers.  Familes who have not attended the year level Information Session at the Pathways Night, will have an opportunity to attend another session during this process.

Bookings will open on 26 July through the following link:  (under construction)

Junior to Senior (J2S) - Year 9 into Year 10

On 20 August, all Year 9s, together with their parent/carer, will complete their Junior to Senior Plan (J2S) in a face to face interview  with one of our experienced senior teachers. Familes who have not attended the Information Sessions at the Pathways Night, will have an opportunity to attend another session during this process.

Bookings will open on 9 August via the follwoing link.  (under construction)

​Years 7 & 8

2025 Subject selection for Years 7 and 8 will take place during their IRL classes throughout Term 3.


SET Plan Information Video 

Click here​ to view an information video regarding the subject structure for Year 10 SET Plan. (this section is current being revised)

​2025 subject selections for current Year 10s going into Years 11 and 12, ​can be found in the 2025 Year 11 & 12 Curriculum Handbook.

The 2026 Year 10 Guide to career pathways and tertiary prerequisites​ from QTAC is another very useful tool to assist students plan their pathways.

YEAR 11 & 12

Years 11 and 12 provide opportunities for further specialisation.  Students should choose a program based on subject area:

  • they enjoy​
  • have achieved success in
  • provide a balanced education program
  • lead to a preferred career pathway

Students can choose any combination of 6 subjects, The colour coding (blue and green) in the 2024 Year 11 & 12 Senior Curriculum Handbook allows students to easily ascertain if they will be ATAR eligible.  To be ATAR eligible students should look for 'blue' subjects. If direct entry to University is not part of a student's career pathway, they can look more to the 'green' subjects.

Remember, to get the best outcomes students should:

  • choose subjects they have a genuine interest in
  • know what pathway is realistic for them
  • know what the prerequisites are (check course guidelines) and can meet the prerequisites
  • have talked to teachers and affirmed they could manage the requirements
  • are prepared to work hard. 

Preparation for Year 11 and 12 

Our Heads of Departments for each learning area have prepared a video outlining the structure and possible pathway​s for each subject.

External Courses

Here are some other links that you might find useful:-​

2024 TAFE at School - Course Guide​

Last reviewed 18 July 2024
Last updated 18 July 2024